The Neurosurgery Department Allama Iqbal Medical College/ Jinnah Hospital Lahore is relatively young but with the dedicated efforts and sincerity of the team it has rapidly blossomed into a leading center for neurosurgical patient care, postgraduate training and research.
This department was established in 1994 as out patient Specialty and Assistant Professor Ashraf Shaheen led this newly formed specialty in AIMC/JHL. Later Dr Shafqat Senior Registrar continued work of Neurosurgery.
The ward was established in 1999 as 20 bedded ward. Assistant Professor Zafar Iqbal headed the unit from 27-08-1999 to 01-12-2005. Three operation tables were available per week in North Operation Theater.
Associate Professor Naveed Ashraf led this unit from 11-11-2005 to 26-06-2008 before transfer to PGMI/ LGH. He revamped this department by approval of new ward, Neuro ICU and Neurosurgery operation suite equipped with Microscope, high speed drill, endoscope and stereotactic frame.
Assistant Professor Abdul Hameed was captain of unit from 27-06-2008 to 18-06-2009.
Associate Professor Zafar Iqbal was head of department again from 19-06-2009 to 28-10-2013. Unit was shifted to present fourth floor location.
Professor Naveed Ashraf chaired this unit since 29-10-2013 to to-date. Neuro ICU/ HDU and Neuro Operation theater suite was started. In 2017 again extension of unit via addition of two new modular operation theaters with intraoperative CT Scan, CUSA, CRW stereotactic frame, Neuronavigation, high speed drills, cranial and spinal endoscopes and Mayfield head clamps was done.
Department of Neurosurgery Allama Iqbal Medical College/ Jinnah Hospital, Lahore is leading department of post graduate training in FCPS and MS Neurosurgery since 2007.