Neuronavigation assisted Thalamic Tumor Excision
A young 35years old male was presented to outpatient department with complaints of progressive right sided weakness for last five months. On examination he had uncrossed right hemiparesis with 4/5 power in leg and 2/5 in arm. His MRI Brain showed non enhancing lesion of left thalamus.
Stereotact biopsy using CRW frame was done.
Biopsy showed reactive gliosis/ Low grade glioma.
After discussion with patient and family member Neuronavigation assisted excision was planned and executed. Left parietal transventricular approach to thalamus was adopted.
Post operatively patient has deterioration of right side weakness that was grade 2/5 on day 1, deterioted to 1/5 on day three and motor dysphasia. There was one episode of generalized tonic clonic fits.
Later patient underwent physiotherapy and after one month patient is on preoperative status of 4/5 power leg, and 1/5 arm, Dysphasia improved.
Patient is referred to Oncologist for further adjuvant therapy.