House Job

The house job at Neurosurgery Department, Jinnah Hospital Lahore is designed to provide exposure to a wide array of neuro-critical and neurosurgical disease states.
The House Officers receive supervised training in application of neuro-critical care principles and procedural skills in the care of life threatening neurosurgical diseases. They are trained in advanced hemodynamic assessment and monitoring using arterial and central line catheterization along with sampling and understanding of arterial blood gas results. The house officers have opportunities to develop expertise in advanced airway management including endotracheal intubations, ventilator management and fiber optic bronchoscopy; multimodality neuro-monitoring including intracranial pressure monitoring and interpretation, external ventricular drain management and other diagnostic and therapeutic technologies. This provides the basis for understanding and implementing protocols for management of patients requiring advanced neuro-critical care like those with severe head injuries, application of CPR, diagnosis and counselling for brain death etc.
They are also assigned beds in wards where they learn neurological history taking and examination, the interpretation of radiological investigations, basics of wound care, treatment planning and up to date management of neurosurgical patients. The house officers are also allowed to assist all kinds of emergency and elective neurosurgical procedures. Formal and informal teaching sessions covering basic neurosurgical topics take place regularly. The clinical experience is further supplemented by case presentation conferences, daily teaching rounds and opportunities for advancing research for the motivated house surgeon.